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Mycorrhiza: State of the Art, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Eco-Function, Biotechnology, Eco-Physiology, Structure and Systematics

Штрих-код: 9783540788249
(штрих-код верный)
Тип штрих-кода: ISBN-13
Страна: Код для книг
Производитель: (Не определено)
Торговая марка (Не определено)
Категория: Не определено

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This third updated and revised edition strongly emphasises on genetics and molecular biology. It falls into a time period with an exceptionally rapid growth in mycorrhizal research. A vast expansion of interest in mycorrhiza is manifest worldwide, resultig in public awareness that the productivity of plants and the quality of leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds are determined by the activities of root systems and their associated physical, chemical and biological environment. Symbiotic fungi have become an mportant object of tests to evaluate some of the new opportunities being developed in biotechnology. While these fungi have been used to stabilize eroded soils and the forests since the turn of century, the novelty in recent years has increased recognitio that biological processes can be manipulated genetically, opening numerous unexplored opportunities for the optimization of plant productivity in both managed and natural ecosystems, while minimizing the risks of environmental...Тип обложки: Твердый переплет

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