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Сайт разработан Spro - автоматизация торговли
Штрих-код: | 9780099422686 (штрих-код верный) |
Тип штрих-кода: | ISBN-13 |
Страна: | Код для книг |
Производитель: | (Не определено) |
Торговая марка | (Не определено) |
Категория: | Не определено |
Victor Mancini has devised a complicated scam to pay for his mother's hospital care: pretend to be choking on a piece of food in a restaurant and the person who 'saves you' will feel responsible for you for the rest of their lives. Multiply that a couple of hundred times and you generate a healthy flow of cheques, week in, week out. Victor also works at a theme park with a motley group of losers, cruises sex addiction groups for action, and visits his mother, whose Alzheimer's disease now hides what may be the startling truth about his parentage.Тип издания: Отдельное издание
Отзывы о товаре : Choke