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Сайт разработан Spro - автоматизация торговли
Штрих-код: | 9780061227363 (штрих-код верный) |
Тип штрих-кода: | ISBN-13 |
Страна: | Код для книг |
Производитель: | (Не определено) |
Торговая марка | (Не определено) |
Категория: | Не определено |
L.A.P.D. Detective Peter Decker and his wife, Rina, are profoundly shaken by this terrible "accident" that has occurred frighteningly close to their daughter's school. And an irate call from the unaccounted-for flight attendant's stepfather further tangls an already twisted mystery. The man insists twenty-eight-year-old Roseanne Dresden was never on the doomed flight, but was probably murdered by her abusive, unfaithful husband—a revelation that propels Decker down a path of tragic history and deadly lie toward an unimaginable evil that will challenge his and Rina's cherished beliefs about guilt and innocence and justice.
Отзывы о товаре : The Burnt House